uncultured swine who is so immature and doesn't moderate well at all
damn bro that bacon gaming doesn't know what a cock is
Your average tween, except for the fact that she looovoves Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Nordstrom! She has many crushes including: M**** C***** and P******. Her favorite catchphrase is "WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK, I LOOK LIKE A FRICKIN' TREE" Likes to occasionally moan, beacuse....welll...you know....
Partitive expresion and idiom which means portions of bacon. As easy as that, you can also use it with eggs
How many rashers of bacon would you like with your breakfast?
After taking a shit at someone's house, usually at a party, before wiping yourself you find a cornered wall in the bathroom, while spreading your cheeks you slide in a downward motion on that corner leaving behind shit strips that resemble a strip of bacon.
Goddamn it! Rob got drunk again and used the corner of the bathroom wall as toilet paper. Leaving a mighty bacon strip in my parent's bathroom.
The tendency some books on Judaism have to connect every damn thing to Jews at some point. Because, you know, Jews aren't blamed for everything enough as it is.
Jewish cookbook: "Jews have been making slow-cooked Sabbath cholent for years in order to fulfill the commandments of the day. In the Netherlands, they cooked white beans, goose fat, and honey together and ate it on the Sabbath. When the Pilgrims came to the Netherlands, they adopted the recipe, since they followed the same Sabbath laws, only on Sundays. When they landed at Plymouth Rock, they had no geese for fat, so they used pork fat. And they had no honey, so they used molasses. And thus, Boston baked beans were born."
Me: "This cookbook is playing a mean game of Six Degrees of Kosher Bacon."
Very intelligent, super smart and very fun girl. Usually a nickname used for the name Meghan,Meg, or Megan. Megs and bacon may seem very sweet but when you get on her bad side watch out, she we'll not be scared of you. She is kind and is always wanting to help out a friend. Megs and bacon is the best girl that you can meet, but sometimes when she is annoyed she will get emotional or even violent sometimes. Any way Megs and bacon can be sweet and really nice to her friends, but you do not want to be her enemy
Megs and bacon is so nice to me
(Other person) Ya same but last night I got on her bad side I'm scared now
A person that will try and eat any kind of bacon anywhere, anytime.
Excuse me waiter, can I get just a side of your hippie style over priced bacon? Yes I am a bacon nerd.