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Brandon and juliana

The couple that should’ve made it but problems occurred, they come back tg three times a year and Brandon can just never let her go and wishes juliana would just stay with him but it’s not possible sadly

Brandon and juliana were perfect… what happened? Juliana wanted something else

by Cuddlybroguy July 5, 2024

brandon clement

Brandon is loyal and loving he will love you forever if he loves you .you are a lucky woman when he falls he falls fast and hard he will ride and die for you he will make you feel like a queen he has a large penis he works hard and know how to treat a woman he is respectful and gas no kids isn't on probation and is attracted to blonds with blue grey eyes has 7sisters no brothers is family oriented and doesn't care about anyone but his partner she is the only opinion that madders to him he cares about getting his woman off before getting himself off

That Brandon clement boy is so wierd

by Brandon clement December 30, 2025

brandon michael stovall

The absolute most impressive guy on Earth. also means crack head

I wish i could be Brandon Michael Stovall

by asldkfhadfo9iekjh February 27, 2017

brandon tyrel

Someone sexy, toned, and self kept. Dispite his many wonderful traits, he has anger issues he struggles to keep at bay. He’ll blow you off and not see a problem with it. But man, is he good in bed

Brandon Tyrel is a real nigga

by Louella May March 22, 2018


When a person gets all sick of a group and takes the time to say they are DONE/finished with said group.

Are BranDONE with the group?

by Park Geun-Hye May 7, 2018

The Brandon Effect

The Brandon Effect is when all or a majority of your previous partners have tried offing themselves before, during, or after the relationship

Person 1: yeah bro all my previous girlfriends have tried offing themselves

Person 2: dam dude that’s The Brandon Effect

by R3ZIT June 30, 2023

Brandon eyink

Not going to college

You know that Brandon eyink kid

O that kid he’s not going to college

by Pooh shiesty March 3, 2021