Pay up, get even, pay off debt.
Dan says he's gonna break-bread with Sam Friday for that pie he got from him last week.
The act of taking care of those who take care of you. The opposite of greed. A selfless act sharing what you got with others.
Living at my friends house rent free my first action after winning the lotto was to break bread with them.
When two portuguese males take turns shitting in each others small intestine.
Derrick caught Joel and Herculano take a break from mixing concrete on the job site, and take a portuguese snack break and saw Joel resting on his back, ass up while Herculano squatted over him and took a shit in his asshole.
Going to the local park during school's lunch break and getting the greatest blowjob from your bf/gf
Ready to go to the park? I wanted to give you a lunch break special ;)
I haven't seen you in a long time. You haven't returned my texts with the speed you normally do. You seem like you are kind of distant when we talk or text. Usually said to someone you are clearly not in a relationship with.
I haven't heard from you all day. Are we breaking up?
When Abed on Community breaks the fourth wall
Abed was seen breaking the autistic Wall when he said he was going to lay low for an episode