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Bum Shit

bum shit is commonly used as a phrase to discribe ones appearance.

ew i look like bum shit :(

by scissorsfrybontanameth February 2, 2010

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bum porridge

poo-poo as defined by a 3 year old boy

I just did bum porridge

by Margi Sloan September 11, 2007

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Anal sex performed in prison

Most male prisoners are doomed to experience some bum-rushing!

by MOCO & P-Phat May 28, 2010

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bum muff

The muff which surrounds the anal regions of ones anus.

1 My god that is one heck of a lot of bum muff you got there bruv!
2 Your mum eats my bum muff bruv

by cumbubble June 5, 2006

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Bum Steak

A technical term for poop or shit...can be used as Bum Gravy which means diahrrea.

Bum Roll also means the same.

I asked him if he wanted a Bum Steak, and he said yes...haha

Man i had some bad bum gravy last night...i had to shit all the time.

Hes such a dick, stupid bum steak.

by TheDillKing2 February 2, 2010

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P bum

A park bumb . Someone who no longer has friends so they hangout at parks all alone

Guy: dude have you seen Hannah lately ?

Friend: no I heard she's a p bum now. I guess she tried sleeping with one of her friends best friends

Guy: damn that sucks she was pretty cool.
Friend: I guess that's what happens when you don't listen to your friends.

by Warriorwords November 8, 2016

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bum demon

An evil entity that invades your bum, causing the following symptoms: abdominal bloating and cramps; watery turds; farting and follow through.

That was a really nice curry but now i've got a bum demon.

by Lisa Maree March 1, 2012

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