Source Code

When the thumb goes up you know it’s just like that

It’s what you say after you hit a jackpot in Las Vegas, NV and with DLucky.

DLucky—-“you just got TOP DOLLAR (a bonus spin on a slot machine) so “When the thumb goes up you know it’s just like that”
Gambler—-“fuck yeah bro, this shit is real!”
DLucky—-“hit play!”

by @bigtruk August 1, 2023

I thought you were bae but you're just fam

and old vine made in like the time vine was popular

person 1:I thought you were bae but you're just fam

person2: john wait-

by unlistedcali October 27, 2020

4👍 2👎


-Mr.Holmes 2018

Let me just help you out here *Takes a kid and throws him in the back of the van*


1👍 1👎

My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nougat

The new mnemonic for memorizing the planets in our solar system in order away from the sun. Until recently, the mnemonic was My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pies, but since Pluto was eliminated from the list, "pies" no longer fits.

Grade School Kid 1: I have an astronomy quiz tomorrow, but I don't know the planets in order!
Grade School Kid 2: Dude, it's just My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nougat. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune!
Grade School Kid 1: What happened to Pluto?
Grade School Kid 2: Psh, Pluto is so pre-August 2006.

by Matt |2 August 28, 2006

42👍 46👎

eventually were just going to accept ducking as a swear word

a gif

gif: eventually were just going to accept ducking as a swear word
me: why?
gif: cuz its almost close to the f word
me: ducking means duck down
gif: no it dosent
me: ok

by Aiden J April 6, 2021

4👍 2👎

Well aren't you feeling just a tad bit frosty

When someone does some thing embaressing


when someone says something stupid

when someone is proved wrong

well aren't you feeling just a tad bit frosty

by WELLTHEN BABY August 30, 2010

4👍 2👎

Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you


Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you

Me: don’t be a baby

by Just do it man April 14, 2021

6👍 2👎