Source Code

Pimp's Eye View

When a white person, Tells a story from the perspective of a black person in order to make their story more interesting.

Rob (Normal): Yah, so me and Cheryl went downtown to get some food and some homeless guy started chasing us! I scared him off though!

Rob (Pimp's Eye View): Yo, so me n my bitch were down walking the streets when some crazy motha fucka tried followin us, so i grabbed my gat n popped a cap in dat po foo asss.

by WonkaDollar May 13, 2011

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Pimp Baller 9000

A man who rides a bike, most of them are named toby or wes(wesley) they are a huge hit at parties. and have huge dicks. that every body wants. they ride track bikes like they ride hot chicks! also they are usualy seen with white suits and pointy white shoes, they are often mistaken for the Yakuza.

HE isn't a Yakuza, thats just a Pimp baller 9000, he might take you home though. . . .

by #1 Pimp Baller 9000 May 5, 2009

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pimp master 5000

1) a strange kid named steve
2) anyone who has a chicken/llama fetish
a.k.a. smiley, steve, spiderman, chickenboy, llamaboy

pimp master 5000 wants to buy a llama real bad!

by StrangeDuck313 July 10, 2003

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Pimp Stain

a cool kat wit a sofiszzle kofishzzle sa-da-ta

dude ur such a pimp stain wit cherrys on top

by Woody September 20, 2003

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pimp mom's ride

A person who doesn't own a vehichle of there own but decorates their mom's as if they owned it.

Pimp mom's ride is what you do when you can't afford your own car.

by Rob Krbavac November 23, 2005

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Visionary Pimp Predator

A person usually a lead singer who has a vision. He pimps out musicians in the name of the band and convinces them to pay usually in cash to play during a recording session, and offers no mechinal licesning agreement upfront before the performance is recorded

Visionary Pimp Predator usually has a vision that he will profit off of in publishing and licensing, while convinceing musical players to record for his album for a fee. Basically they pay to play. Without a mechnical licening agreement set in stone. Visionary Pimp Predator will own the tapes and do what he see's fit in regards to licensing. Leaving the playas empty handed and replaceable.

by suburbabsista October 1, 2009

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Asian Baby Pimp

A small asian child that is more baller than you are

this kid is such an ABP (Asian Baby Pimp)

by Sallad0204 April 16, 2020

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