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Medical Depression

a chemical imbalance in the brain that prevents you from enjoying sunsets. Usually counter balanced by pills, but only cured by therapeutic help.

My doctor calmed I might have medical depression.

by Rebelaxe March 25, 2018

The depressed teen

Sadness. It’s all I feel. Life is meaningless. Death is here.


Yo my guy I was a total the depressed teen last night just like megatron from family guy

by 1ab148? December 10, 2020

caleb depression

The feeling you get when you think of Caleb McLaughlin. And how successful he has become. Side effects: screaming,crying,a urge to just hug him. A uwu feeling

These tiktoks of Caleb are giving me caleb depression

by Caleb McLaughlin January 2, 2021

Depression Hour

The Hour From 12:00am-1am

It’s depression hour

by TheOnlyLogangPaulerLeft January 25, 2020

Depression hour

When you go to Hal’s room at 4am and talk about your suicidal thoughts while vaping and looking at squishmallows

Fuck man, I’m feeling so depressed, I better go to Hal’s room and talk about ending my life during depression hour

by Heywattsup April 25, 2022

French Depression

A feeling of total dread you get from your mandatory French classes where you are constantly reminded that you have to do this for the next week.

Me: Jeff you okay?
(Jeff is slamming his forehead on the desk)
Jeff: I have French Depression, and we fucking have this class for the whole week!

by LlamaWithAGun April 26, 2019

Post Production Depression

It’s one of those illnesses you get but at the same time don’t want it to go but you want it to leave you but when it leaves you youre sad that it’s gone but you didn’t want to be sad but you are and it’s just a spiral of despair until you meet your cast again and then you go into another stage of ppd which continues and spirals even more

Damn post production depression hit me hard

Wow. I’m feeling the PPD right now bro

by nismxth February 10, 2020