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Ringing the bell

Slapping someone’s balls as hard as you can

John: dude my new gf is really into ringing the bell.

Jack: that sucks for you, your balls are gonna be so sore from being hit that much

by Dangeous October 17, 2023

Belle delephine

Selling A liquid for liquid cooling pc

friends: my pc is very cooled becausse of belle delephine liquid cooling
me: simp

by Domination Beam November 23, 2020

the bell effect

When a past hookup continuously pops up in your life no matter how much time has time past. If you say their name 3 times they will appear sometime in the near future. You will never escape them, even on your wedding day. They will always be there.

Me: You'll never believe who just added me on snapchat after 3 years of silence
Friend: Weren't we just talking about him the other day?

Me: I knew we shouldn't have said his name! it's the bell effect!

by romancomz November 14, 2016

taco bell barbie

A Hispanic woman who embodies the physical attributes traditionally associated with the Barbie doll.

Damn, that girl is smoke. She a Taco Bell Barbie y'all.

by Dastaffo June 15, 2024

George Bell

The rape train has entered the building

George Bell proceeded to rape and kill the female

by LickMyRingHole December 4, 2021

Louis manzi-bell

The reincarnation of Nicolas Pepe and is correct all the time

That Messi plays like “Louis manzi-bell”

by Criston Ronaldo jr _ April 28, 2024

1👍 1👎

Super Taco Bell blumpkin

When you and ur shorty slam a Gordita crunch at Taco Bell, and while unloading on the shitter, you yell for her to suck you off. When she gets on her knees, flip a quick 180 and shart all over her.

Yeah man last Friday my girl gave me the super Taco Bell blumpkin ! It was awesome !

by Cheddyblumpy180 May 3, 2024