Forest hills is a large neighborhood connected to a few others. There’s one thing most people don’t tell you about forest hills and I’m here to spill the truth. Apart from most people who live there being ghetto and weird, it’s actually haunted. I was with a buddy of mine in July of summer 2024 at the park that’s near laurel lane, it was about 10 PM when we were just talking and hanging out and heard whispering. There was no one there but we could see a faint shadow of somebody in the field next to it. We went out to investigate and the shadow disappeared. He is referred to as the Forest Hills Shadow man. He lurks around and you can hear his whispers and silent cries. You can also see and hear him moving about in the woods nearby. There’s also many homeless people living in tents in forest hills and all sorts of animals that live there that can attack you at any given moment. The most fun thing to do is explore forest hills at night in the dark in the woods with your friends and ding ding ditch people. But beware, the shadow man lurks nearby as well as vicious coyotes and wild cats that are nearing attack at any moment.
Kid1 : wanna go to the park in forest hills NJ?
Kid2: Hell no! The shadow man and his pack of coyotes lurk there.
A tall dark handsome man who isn’t afraid of injecting narcotics into his body.
He may also be thinning at an early age.
Jack Hills, boy oh boy I’d love some of your meth
Using therapy methods and vocabulary in unhealthy or aggressive ways; specifically, to control or manipulate another individual's behavior or actions.
She said it was her "boundary" that you're not allowed to talk to your friends anymore? She's definitely Jonah-Hilling you, boundaries aren't meant to control.
Scotti Hill whose real name Scott Lawrence mulvehill is the lead guitarist of metal band skid row. He’s also A hot guitarist who needs more love.
“Scotti hill is so hot I wanna have his babies”
Maple Hill High School is a school that's centered in the town, as residents call it, Castletucky (Aka Castleton). Students here flourish with the help of teachers and extra curricular activities. It'd be the best high school out there if only all the students in it didn't want to commit suicide. The amount of drug dealers keep everyone on their toes with the classic slutty middle schoolers and weird couples fucking behind the bleachers during pep rallys. There's plenty to do here as tea and drama erupts from all corners leaving no one safe. But hey, at least most of them are nice
Shane: "What are you doing later today?"
"I have to go to that shitty Maple Hill High School and get laid by a meth head senior"
another word for wetback ; an illegal imigrant from Mexico
john: hey you see jose over there? He's a hill roller.
jim: i know! he can barely speak english
One of the best places for a zombie apocalypse. Most people are braindead mindless zombie trendfollowers anyways who do anything in their power to treat people like shit. Homophobe, Transphobe and racism hotspot. If you’re mentally ill or queer i advise you escape as soon as possible because this school is worse then you think. RUN
Person 1: What high school did you go to
Person 2: Quakers Hill High School
Person 1: That sucks