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shit tamale

It's a term to express anger when you do something wrong

Lauren: Hi Bob
Bob: Hey Lauren
Lauren: What are you holding
Bob: A wedding cake
Lauren: Bob watch out theirs a rock on the floor
Bob tripped over the rock
Bob fell on the cake
Bob got angry and said shit tamale

by Untamed Funny June 19, 2015

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blitzkrieg shit

When you are taking a shit and you push very hard so the fecal matter comes out "lightning fast" and there is no need to wipe.

I just took a hella intense blitzkrieg shit at wendy's.

by bizitch October 9, 2006

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high as shit

High as shit. A term used in conjunction with high as fuck. When you are so high that you get tired of the worn out phrase high as fuck, you might incorporate other profanity to substitute the word fuck, in search of some degree of originality amongst peers.

Good god, did I just take 5 bong rips of ghost train haze ? I feel like my brain is a sack of shit. I can't do anything right now.

"Danny, are you high as shit right now ?"

You say this to yourself and realize. You are high as shit.

by partypossum January 18, 2017

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Talking shit

1. When some body is saying something to someone about else that is NOT true( you could argue that if its the truth then its not necessarily "talking shit"

2. When someone is rambling on talking about things that don't make sense

1. Nikki: why are you talking shit about me to my sister?

Mollie: i just told her the truth.

2. Mr Dude: do you think trees can talk to each other? Like read each others minds?
Other Dude: stop talking that mad shit Mr Dude

by Dalindabear January 12, 2017

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shit stirrer

a person who takes pleasure in causing drama and stirring the pot

*Callum unnecessarily stirs the pot*
everyone: OMG Callum is such a shit stirrer!!!

by user82747829 June 11, 2020

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shit particles

When a person passes wind (farts) and there is a fecal smell that follows, microscopic shit particles are floating in the air around the person. Which are inturn inhaled through the nostrils of nearby people, these are shit particles.

Omg that person just released shit particles, and they are in my mouth and nose.

by Beeds10 April 17, 2016

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Shit Tossing

Someone or something getting their lives fucking owned.

Friend 1: Dude, you just got your ass owned in a game of Madden. That was a real shit tossing.

Friend 2: That was just lucky, it won't happen again

Friend 1: I just owned your fucking life 76-0. You definitely got your shit tossed across the room, I'm embarassed for you

by La Maquina/ El Diablo April 17, 2009

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