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Turtle Juice

that "throwing up in your mouth" shit.

Dude I just turtle juiced and it left such a nasty taste.

by lawl32 March 10, 2011

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adult juice

a fancy word for coffee

I've been up all night and i got work today. gonna drink a whole pot of adult juice cuz now im so tired!

by nobody else here March 28, 2017

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flute juice

Cum; semen, the sticky white fluid that comes out of your cock when you ejaculate.

Man, that was a good fuck---I shot out a good load of my flute juice!

by pentozali March 8, 2008

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City Juice

Water mixed with sugar. Commonly consumed in the inner cities of the United States.

I gonna go make me som' City Juice.

by Barsanuphius T. Smith April 11, 2009

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Eyeball juice

Tears or any other form of liquid that is in the eyeball.

Martin: " Last night was amazing, or have u forgotten, u scruffy little bitch?"

Sarah-Jane: " How could I? You were hooping me so hard my eyeball juice smudged all my mascara. It took me ages to re-do it before i went to bed"

Martin: "fuck you"

Sarah-Jane "nah fuck you"

Martin: "Fuck Fuckin you"

by Jobless scum March 1, 2008

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grapple juice

Grape juice and apple juice combined, makes Grapple Juice! It's very tasty, and not as tangy as grape juice.

This grapple juice is delicious!

by KFabMom October 28, 2008

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Juice WRLD

The best man that ever lived. He'll love you to hell and back, he is the one yo want to tell all you secrets to no matter what happens in life.


girl 1: I wish I met someone like Juice WRLD

girl 2: I know right he's so nice and caring!

by A Pimp Named Sickback January 17, 2021

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