Often a tall man with an amazing smile and great arms. Usually blessed with many talents such as playing the drums, and dominating the soccer field. Says things like "Anything for you baby girl" and "Turn this thing off I'm dry!" All around an amazing boyfriend.
Girl: That guy is so sexy, he must be a Logan Greely
Other Girl: He totally is, definitely daddy material.
logan "anal" has a huge cock bro i be riding it all day long
bob: yo did you hear about logan "anal"
justice:yeah he has a huge cock
bob:i know i be riding it all day long
A bitch who is probably unstable but she a boss bitch who has that is what it is logic and that’s one not to be messed with
Nah her names Logan-Rose bro you can’t mess about with that you’ll go missing
a sad person, you can usually find them playing video games such as fortnite and roblox. some may consider them a “loser” or “mistake” best friend is priscila.
hey he’s totally a logan labelle