Source Code

Band Nerd-Faker

Somebody who played in the elementary school band, where it was something everyone did, but was one of those kids who drop it after 1 or 2 years. However, they stay in band anyway because their crush is a band nerd.

Did you hear about Alli? She's only still playing the saxophone just because Aaron is! What a band nerd-faker!

by BananaMilkshake December 12, 2008

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nerd driver

term thought up by a wried little girl. it is a word that is ment to an insult, however has no reaal meaning. This is just two words that appart have meaning. when you put the words nerd and driver next to eachother you have a word that means nothing.

Hey, you're a nerd driver!

WTF does that mean

It doesn't have a meaning

by troutkiller3936 February 16, 2010

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Chili Dog Nerd

One whom surpasses a "standard" nerd

Man, you a Chili Dog Nerd

by bohgart June 1, 2009

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Band Nerd Herd

Whenever a group of band kids get together for a massive nerdy orgy. Involving the tuba players staying on bottom, being the base for everyone else's sweaty bods. Usually started from the band kids taking a chexmix.

Wow, that band nerd herd was off the chain. Our drum major really conducted our sex noises well.

by The Treble Maker March 19, 2014

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Sweet Nerd Love

1. The act of love making performed by nerds.
2. Railing the hell out of your lady while Final Fantasy XIII-2 is playing in the background. Bonus points if your love making occurs during the main menu theme song.

Bob: Hey man, keep that sweet nerd love down. I ain't trying to hear all that shit.

by Erik Bohorquez March 4, 2012

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star trek nerd

any guy who goes to Star Trek conventions, has seen just about every episode of every Star Trek franchise and speaks fluent Klingon, but has never even kissed a girl

Get a date, you pathetic star trek nerd!

by Anonymous June 11, 2003

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Nerd Spin the Bottle

Just like spin the bottle, but with trivia questions! The person spins and is then asked a question, if the question is answered correctly then the two people kiss.

Person 1: Want to play spin the bottle?
Person 2: OK!
Person 3: It's not a very interesting game.
Person 4: What if we asked each other trivia questions and called it nerd spin the bottle?
All: yeah!

by someaweomeawe December 17, 2009

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