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Let's about this Whore of Babylon bitch named Sarah...where to begin. Let's first start of that she's a terrible thing, I wouldn't even call her human. She loves the Devil like a stupid loser she is and throws a major tantrum like a massive baby the fucking bitch is. I'm surprised that she is even a mother....

She has a daughter named Saleen, whom I say is the only human being that is somewhat okay in her family, but she is kidnapped and is held hostage by the fucking criminal scumbag Whore of Babylon with her black thug boyfriend who is just as stupid and immature.

She controls and rules the World, but only through stealing, gagging, scamming rich people using sexual induction, immorality, charm, and witchcraft. She stolen all of the wealth from the alternate dimension from my former classmate Leon, created a clone named Elon Musk (how very cleaver...), and used the stolen wealth to convince rich people to buy into the scam, achieving her goal of being Satan's Queen of the World. Not gonna happen bitch! You will burn and die in hell poor and homeless.

Like honestly, they're very so stupid! Sarah isn't taking my Leon! Fuck her!

"Fuck the Whore of Babylon! She uses time travel to try to get Leon, but she lost her ability to time travel. She's now in Kenya using invisibility to follow Leon. Who do you think this bitch is? I'm currently hunting her down! I'm not fucking afraid of anyone! Leon's my fucking boyfriend! I got AK-47s, AR-15s, fought in the U.S Army for 15 years, have a black belt in Taekwondo, Karate, and Kung-Fu, and she's still stupid enough to keep following. Fuck that Sarah! I'm coming for my Leon!" - (Female Jesus Christ)

by JesusIsLeon'sGirlfriend December 22, 2023


One last time, but it won't be my last! The Whore of Babylon right now is desperate because her time quantum (her time-travel shenanigans) is now destroyed and is now being reversed. She's losing control to the point of being forced to flee from my boyfriend Leon (Yay! 😊) and will soon be eliminated to hell. Fuck her to hell forever!

I forgot to mention that she is the one that hid evidences like the Jeffery Epstein's list, killed whistleblowers, jailed and tortured any dissents against that bitch and her time travel mafia cartel, among others of her evil crimes. The world will know all these things, so don't worry! It's coming sooner than you think!

Anyways, that bitch is desperate and I'm coming for my boyfriend Leon! Nothing can separate Leon from me! Me and my boyfriend will be celebrating her death.

"Coming back from Washington DC to be reunited with my boyfriend Leon and prevent Sarah the Whore of Babylon from trying to take my boyfriend Leon forever. I will not allow it! The World will know the truth about her once and for all! I will make sure of that! I'm avenging for my people, my friends, and my boyfriend!" - (Female Jesus Christ)

by JesusIsLeon'sGirlfriend December 22, 2023


The moaning Indian trash bitch called the Whore of Babylon will be fleeing really soon when I arrive in Kenya! This dumbass demon bitch still thinks that she got a chance to steal my man?!?! I don't fucking think so! I got a collection of arms, so don't at with my man bitch!

Leon's my boyfriend! Leon's my man! I will make you shut your fucking mouth from ever making those stupid retard moaning noises to him and I will kill off you invisibility trick. I'm coming for you Whore of Babylon!

"Tomorrow will be Sarah the Whore of Babylon's last final day of fucking even trying to pursue my boyfriend Leon! She's psychotic demon whore, slut of the Devil thinks she's going to take Leon, just so she prevents going to hell and be Satan's Queen of the World forever?!?! Not a fucking chance! I'm taking her to Hell forever!" - Female Jesus Christ

by JesusIsLeon'sGirlfriend December 22, 2023


Sarah The Whore of Babylon's forever boyfriend is called Hell.

They're such an amazing couple!

Sarah (Whore of Babylon) + Hell = Love ❀

by JesusIsLeon'sGirlfriend December 25, 2023


Sarah is the name of someone who isn't very social, but when she is she is very funny, sarcastic, and very intelligent. Sarah is definitely a person you'd want to stick around.
Sarah is an awesome person, basically. If you have a Sarah in your life, she's most likely an awesome person who's really chill (Sarah if you see this ily ong)

That girl, Sarah, is my best friend and the best person I've ever met.

by P.A.K. March 2, 2023


defender of lesbians and womankind.

Example: Alexa to Sarah: Jo and Scarlet are making crabcake icicles for our wedding. Should we ask for lobster and crayfish instead?
Example: I think you're hot shit Sarah.

by Jasmine Alexa Smith January 21, 2024


DONT TRUST HER she’s a back stabbing bitch and talks about people behind there back. She says her friend group is shit and says “oh not you” then proceeds to say that about multiple people. She lies right infront of you and proceeds to say she isn’t lying. She stutters when she lies which she does a lot and shouldn’t be given a second chance please don’t be fooled by her nice little dumb act because it’s fake and she likes attention. She’s also a pick me and would rather hang out with boys then the people who’ve been with her since day one. Do better than a Sarah.

Sarah is like a vacuum but instead of sucking up dirt she sucks up attention

by March 3, 2022