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brick mama

A mother of two or more children, who is divorced, and runs a very tight ship around the house.

Bob Saget, Mary Alexsander are both brick mamas. "Boy if you don't clean your room, im gonna whip yo ass up first street and down hickory lane"

by Billy Goodwin September 25, 2006

mama whore

When a mom sleeps with her own son or her son’s friends


by Doopdooppoop June 6, 2020


This.. this is what happens when you find a hot woman, thats all I gotta say.

Me: *scrolling on Instagram*
Me: *finds a hawt woman*
Me: HAHT MAMA eyes turn into slot machine slots WOWZA! tapdancing sounds, running in a circle JEEPERS HEEPERS pants like dog, rips off pants, heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM BA-BUM slams fists on table rattling any silverware or plates DUUUUUUHHHH bashes head with hammer OOOOOHHHH I’M DYYYYYYYIIN’ slams chair on table

by Whenyouyouwhenyouwhem July 18, 2021

Mama Smirk

The female version of a Papa Smirk. A Mama Smirk is a woman who is beautiful, a stoner, short, and has small breasts; despite any given situation, she still manages to attract a partner. She is a very unique character all around.

"You see that girl over there? She's a real Mama Smirk."

by BPD_Babe_420 December 19, 2022

Mama Monch

Evil bitch

Mama monch is a evial af !

by Mama Monch January 29, 2022

Joe mama

a joke made by me copywrited in 2088

joe mama is gay

by ethanishomosexualandgay May 7, 2021

Joe Mama

It’s a joke that means your mama. And whoever roasted you with that joke must have given you seventh degree burns.

Person 1: hey have you heard from joe yet?
Person 2: who’s joe?

Person 1: JOE MAMA

by IsabellaStarr November 24, 2019