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A pain magnet

Ouch, that must hurt. Why is my friend always the Tyler of the class?

by SomeRandomUrbDicBruv June 15, 2022


Recently gay

Tyler just broke up with his girlfriend and is turning gay, he likes eye contact mitchell turned him gay

by Macka brown September 14, 2021


Tyler fucks dogs

Tyler actually just fucks dogs

by bigman1123 February 1, 2021


A zero calorie Kyle that drinks monster zero ultra

Tyler is just a diet Kyle, he hits his walls like a pussy.

by Malcovixh March 31, 2020


A pog epic gamer, 6"8 with unusually long toes.

Is that Tyler?


by SoftApricot276 October 27, 2020


Just another guy

I thought she was alone but she was with Tyler

by Tyler1011pro November 20, 2023


The person that fucked someone to the song Cbat for two years

"Eugh don't be like Tyler he fucked his girl to Cbat last night."

person1: "Dude I just fucked my girl to the beat of Cbat it was amazing."
person2: "What the fuck? that's gross you're such a Tyler."

by TheRealVehement September 25, 2022