Source Code

William Constanti



by SUBZERO 12981 March 30, 2019

William Herington

The whitest motherfucker on the planet.
He likes computer games, and has few enough friends to count on his fingers.
He has two left nuts.

"Yo, William Herington is such a dumbass.

by wackamasta December 18, 2011

William Thatch

The best boyfriend ever !! He has the most perfect smile that fills you with butterflies; He has the nicest, prettiest eyes; He has a perfect face and his hair is always perfect no matter the length (unless it is a buzzcut/afro); He is so tall and gives the best hugs; He means the world to his girlfriend and hopefully he knows that. He makes everything better and his girlfriend couldn't see a life without him. William Thatch's girlfriend loves him.

midgett 1 : Are you still with a nasty fortnite guy ?

midgett 2 : No I'm with William Thatch

by brugmoment December 6, 2021

william andersson

Heeelt jettad brorsan. Snyggaste i vääärlden bre. So fucking hot man. Identifies himself as an attack helicopter looking for a hot AC130 above!! Strong independent helicopter that does things himself without any help from ANY flying aircrafts. Not only can he shoot missiles as the Boeing AH-64 Apache he is but he does the most incredible pancakes, like god damn.

AC130 #1-Look at those missiles!!!
AC130 #2-That is a William Andersson that could make me fly.

by Willscam December 11, 2016

Kemiah Williams

A girl that I have been trying to bag for a long time and she still hasn't accepted any of my attempts of trying to get her in my pants.

Kemiah Williams still won't have sex with me!

by I'm gonna fuck kemiah Williams June 22, 2022

Grant Williams

The goat of the nba who plays basketball for the Boston celtics he averages a little bit more than 7 points.he also is number 12. He also played for the Tennessee vols for college

Grant williams is the goat of the nba

by Celtics12fan February 23, 2022

Ted Williams Tunnel

When a guy needs to pee, but someone is sitting on the toilet so you go between their legs.

Husband: “Oh babe, you’re on the toilet? I need to pee!”
Wife: “Just Ted Williams Tunnel me!”

by Niki B. January 2, 2022