When you make some good ass redneck food on MasterChef.
She made some good ass slap yo mama good fried chicken fo’ Gordon Ramsey.
Whenever anyone asks Baylike or MaximilianMus a question in a Baylike video, they will only say yo mama amy shooma who is ms. piggy.
Baylike: Fcuk you Mck you smell like shit. That's what you smell like.
MaximilianMus: Are you talking about yo mama amy shooma? oh oh.
Baylike: What do you think about amy shooma?
it means fuck you in eastern kentucky, i'm not lying i swear
"Bro why the fuck did you run into my car, yo mama so fart.!"
"Yo mama so fart."
something yo dad saying when you call him “Bro”, “Slime”, “Right Hand Man” etc.
To roast someone or “joan” someone; to simply curse somebody out disrespectfully
Jim : You Ugly
Me : boy I’m finna take yo ass out with ya bean pie head ass
If you are worthy you must spend the entirety gaining the mental stability and physical resilience to make your lower torso meet your kissers
(Must be possible by the end)
Guy 1:Suck yo Self September?
Guy 2:yea that’s how I broke my back
Korean slang.There is NO exact English definition/translation, but it is close to things like obsessed, devoted, or love.
I guess that’s what it somewhat means, although of course the word has a totally different feel to it (nerdy vs street slang haha) . You can basically see “Bbuk-E-Ga-Yo” as falling for something, going crazy for something. It’s not used in terms of romantic love, but more as in when something is SOO awesome, that u can’t help so deep into it and just kinda.. falling into it totally and absolutely.
You are so Bbuk-e-ga-yo with Seungri oppa, aren't you?
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