The most useful mathematical constant. It is roughly equal to 0.691133742019001, and those digits repeat. Mathematical constants such as pi, e, not to mention The Golden Ratio suffers from such awful approximations. Whilst h can be perfectly approximated with this simple fraction: 691133742019001/999999999999999
h is extremely useful. It is not irrational, not even transcendental. It is often used in chemistry, physics, and even quantum mechanics. It is mostly used in probability. It is able to prove the probability of any statement or rumor being true. Additionally, it can, in some circumstances, prove some statements to be solid facts.
Example 1:
Math nerd 1: h has a fraction, what? I thought it was irrational!
Math nerd 2: Yeah I know right? At first I thought it was transcendental, maybe it could have been irrational, but nope! It is rational! How amazing is this?!
Example 2:
Math nerd 1: That girl is such a hoe.
Math nerd 2: Prove it.
Math nerd 1: Shows his h-calculations
Math nerd 2: Examines the h-calculations You are correct, she is indeed a hoe.
What people use so that it looks like middle finger
Dick: h
Secser: why would u do that u hhhhhhhh
Used to refer to someone who you don't know if it's a boy or a girl.
Pronounced as eich.
This h has been a pain to fight with on street fighter.
H's so good.
Can be used in replacement of Hell
What the H where did my wallet go?
Can be used in place of a sigh, or to express discontent. Similar to if one were to make the sound of the letter 'h'.
"what'd you get on the test?"
"h, I got a 55 :-/"
What was the point of that? You just wasted at least 2 seconds of your life typing an h expecting it to do something, I don't know, funny? Well, it didn't. You are literally still wasting your time reading this when you can be doing so many other things. I am truly disappointed in you for doing this. S. M. H.