Source Code


butt wipe, or buttwipe

I cant stand Brett, he is such a B W.

by dcfjv August 31, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


"ultimatium" word and it can mean anything

"I was trying to masterbait to some good black brasilian fart porn earlier today and goddamn b-rolls kept popping up, so i switched to 2 girls 1 cup..."

by Bustin Buster January 30, 2009

46๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

b town

also short for Boston or Baltimore or any other town that happens to start with a B

where did you move here from?
straight out of B town baby!!

by lilibuggs September 15, 2006

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The B Word

1.) a non profane way of saying bitch
2.) a phrase used to refer to any words starting with b to indicate a stronger connotation
3.) in the context of an airport of any government security checkpoint, the b word can and does refer to bomb

dude! tommy just got pulled out and arrested for saying the b word!
no! bomb! it was at the airport!
oh shit...

by UM North Quad March 6, 2011

45๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jamming B

A term often used by software and online game designers and coders, to refer to one of the subsequent players who constantly mocks the game and the way it is made, because they simply have nothing better to do. It is important, in order to understand Jamming B's, that you look up the other, related phrases; Twat, Cock, Ungrateful, Shite.

Ahh, we've got another Jamming B, better hit the delete button.
That Jamming B has awful grammar.
What an ungrateful little shit that Jamming B is.

by Ted J February 11, 2008

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B cube

A B cube refers to a rotund woman who must possess 3 essential qualities - big boobs, a big butt and a big belly. Since these 3 qualities all start with the letter 'B', she is therefore known as a B cube or a B cuber.

Jesus, Dan sure attracts those B cubers at the club!

Did you see the B cube Dan got with last night? She was oozing oil on the dancefloor!

Man, I wish my girlfriend was a B cube, just like Dan's!

by Banerjeehad October 23, 2010

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Berger and Chips, F1 MB Legend

Strongly unchangeable,implacable, opinionated, intelligent guru of F1 BM'S

To do a B&C. (as to keep a straight line on a twisty road)

by Norm December 10, 2003

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