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east side opening (eso) of san josรฉ california

The opening to the east side in San Josรฉ , California. It is the opening when you go down east santa clara until the downtown streets end (ends at 34th street and begins on king road when going east on santa clara). In my personal experience, it is a great, fun, and fast moving place where numerous resturants and shops reside on the sidewalks, also where the infamous May 29th (2020) protest on highway 101 occured, i was there luckily in order to record it. ended badly unfortunately as the police came but yah anyways

man 1: where is the eso(east side opening)

man 2: drive all the way down through east santa clara street until you hit 34th, then the eso begins after 34th ends and when king road begins.

definition of east side opening (eso) of san josรฉ california= the opening to the east side from downtown sj

by sanjoseog408 September 23, 2020

More dan a bit on de side doe

The art of being extra

Oh you know Sarah,, she's More dan a bit on de side doe

by mad ting lils July 29, 2017

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

imo smack u up siddley side

when u smack some 1 up side the head but u want to be more gnagsta and if u want to act like a pirate/// smakcing some 1 up side the right side of their head

" yesterday i smacked sam hamwich up starboard side"

by wade snizzon October 9, 2003

10๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž

go out side & play "hide & go fuck yourself"

leave me alone ... leave the room

to go and complete a useless task

your lil sis is annoying me! tell her to go outside and paly hide and go fuck herself!

by mami 2 da fullest May 3, 2004

66๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A statement of contempt aimed at a highly loathed individual.

by weave July 13, 2003

48๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Talking out the side of your neck

Letting another person know that if they don't stop whatever it is the are doing. Then that person will more than likely die by having a hole in thier neck.

T said to CJ "hey your moms looked hot last night". CJ replied ,"if you don't shut up, I'm going to have you talking out the side of your neck."

by ERICWRIGHT075 January 27, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

Peugeot ' a side order of frogs legs' 306 TDI

A total bag of bolloxs. Owned by tight fisted network administrators earning a good bit of buncewho live and die by the MPG.

Usually sport fake perms,questionable togs and fit shite alloys and other bolloxs to 'enhance'the tub of lard they purchased in a vain attempt to have a 'sporty' & family 'car'.

Be-Jesus, look at that F425OOU with the wank alloys and dodgy kevin keegan perm.............

Wonder if the pile of turd has 100 horses under the hood? Whoops, of course it does it a TDI after all.

Well there's a glid the diesel in everyone I guess ??!

Hey gorgeous I'll be 56secs late tonight. I'm really sorry.

Please don't make me eat any pringles. They are SO un-organic I'll keel over and my arm will drop off.

by Moist Mary July 30, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž