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Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

First said by Pierre Ambroise Francois Choderios de LaClos (1741-1803). He originally said it in French in his 1782 book Les Liasons Dangereuses: "La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid. Quoted in Kill Bill Vol. 1 as being an old Klingon Proverb

"Why did you brutally murder all of the people who killed your unborn baby?"
"Revenge is a dish best served cold"

by ben dub January 2, 2007

221πŸ‘ 257πŸ‘Ž

the best anime ever

HEhaehhehHehheee it's boku no hero academia

P1: yo dude wanna watch the best anime ever

P2: nah sorry already finished it

P1: ah that's bad

P2: yea, bad for u cuz i'm about to spoil it

P1: wait wu-

by ev3rynameisinuse July 3, 2022

1πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Revenge is a dish best served cold

A common supervillain saying in soliloquies, meaning that reprisals against enemies, such as superheroes, should be delayed long after the original offense, until the enemies have forgotten them and relaxed security, not expecting an attack. It's origin is unknown, but has been quoted in movies such as Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, novels such as Mario Puzo's The Godfather, etc.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold," said Dr. Negative to himself, as he slouched on his throne and petted his cat with gloved hands.

by warriorprincess61 March 15, 2015

22πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

y'all best break y'all selves

Warning to children or other misbehaving persons to behave in public. Contrary to previously attributed gangsta use, it's what your Grandma would say if you and your cousins were acting up outside your own house or backyard, even if you were only in the front yard. Short for "Y'all best break y'all selves of actin' out, before I break you of embarrasin' me in public." Complimentary phrase might be "Ah'mo (I'm going to) take you right out this world and tell God the gators got you."

"We at the courthouse, y'all best break y'all selves while I pick up these license plates."

by Y'alls Auntie, the MEAN one July 23, 2006

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National Boy Best-friend Day

National Boy Best-Friend Day takes place on the 2nd June. It’s a day where you appreciate you’re boy best friends, wether that’s on snap, ig, over text or in person.
If you don’t already have a boy best friends, June 2nd is your day to find one!

Girl: β€˜It’s national boy best-friend day, I appreciate everything you do for me and all our laughs, love you!’
Her boy best-friend: β€˜Thanks!’

by Bobbysecret May 3, 2020

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Being in love with your best friend

Something that can be both good and bad.
Usually when you grow so close to a friend, you develop feelings for them. Can be good and bad depending on if they also like you. If not you will usually feel embarrassed.

Person 1: How do you stop being in love with your best friend?
Person 2: Uh I dunno?
Person 1: Oh ok

Person 2: Wait... did you ask me because you like me?
Person 1: Uhh... maybe

Scenario 1 (Good ending)
Person 2: Wow really I like you too!

Scenario 2 (Bad ending)
Person 2: I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way. We can still be friends though!

by I<3Chickens August 26, 2022

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Hug ur best friend day

On October 24 is the day u have to hug ur best friend to show how much they mean to u doesn’t matter if there a boy or girl just hug them

Hey best friend I have a surprise *hug*

Aww thx I forgot it was Hug ur best friend day

by Kyle tmk October 23, 2019

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