This is where a person consumes a large quantity of honey (approximately a litre) and then purposefully vomits it onto their partner, (or one may perform this by themselves, of which they would instead vomit into a container and preserve it) of which it is then lathered and massaged all over the body, focusing on dry patches, rashes, blemishes, acne and/or acne scars. It can also be used to treat damaged hair by lathering it onto the scalp and rinsing, much like shampoo and conditioner.
It is rumoured that it can also be consumed to treat various diseases. The origins of this is
unknown, however has become increasingly popular in the United Kingdom. Usually practiced among those who use alternative medicine, as it lacks actual scientific proof as to its health benefits and healing properties. The name to the practice is currently unknown, as it is not widely known, however, it has been referred to as the 'Honey Boo-Boo Treatment' or just ' a Honey Boo-Boo'.
Documented by D13khead, tested by Dingob3ded
I felt very poorly and so I tried The Honey Boo-Boo Treatment.
Wangledang; penis;dick;cockadoodledoo
Eric couldn’t keep his boo gnawing in his pants.
Not in a relationship but do everything you’re suppose to do in a relationship
“Are y’all dating?”
“Nope just my Lul Boo😋”
A fart; may be used in reference with flatulence.
Grandma took communion on bended knee, proceeded to stand up and blew her boo boo whistle. The congregation gasped.
A pet name or term of endearment for a platonic friend; faux used in the sense of pretending you have a romantic relationship and boo used as a person of the gender or sex for whom you experience sexual attraction
Faux boo: How'd the interview go?
You: I got the job!
Faux boo: Congratulations! I'm so proud of you
You: Heart you my faux boo