To be full of shit. Specifically of the self aggrandizing variety.
When your dick is getting sucked so hard, that it leads to spontanious explosive diarrea
Damn son I had a brown dynamite yesterday while playing guitar hero.
When a person puts their prolapsed anus on your forehead
After a long night of anal Johnny gave mark a brown Jerome.
A result of eating too much ass
I knew my boyfriend was cheating when he came home with brown mouth.
The act of Joe Biden himself delivering a steamy shit on your chest.
"Hey John what's wrong?"
" I got a Brown Biden last night."
The result of letting a poop go in the middle of a lake.
Christina just let out the biggest brown shark
When a man takes a shit massive enough to glide against the edge of his nut sac, giving his testicles a brown hue.
"Sheesh tom, you're testicles are really discolored, what's wrong with them?"
"No worries, I just brown ballooned myself."