A sad sorry situation involving hitler in some way.
Duuude when he made that nazi joke in front of that jewish person, that was an epic christian moment
What Kevinjthorton (a YouTuber) went to before he was fully gay
A super fundamentalist Christian church isJust a Christian church that needs money.
discarded matter; refuse. TRASHHHHH
The house is starting to smell . I should probably take Christian Raggio out.
Really cool on a shirt when the front says the definition “you’re a hardcore christian?” “Nah i am a hardcore christian” and then turn around “bale fan”
Do not look directly at Christiane, she is too bright. At the sight of her, your eyebrows will burn off, but she is a good friend. She is also the best gif giver. Your moving images are rubbish in comparison.
Stranger: "I think I am immune to Christiane's glow!"
That same Stranger 2 seconds later: "AM WORNG"
Christiane is the best person you will ever meet. She will always help you whatever it is.
Christianes are well known for their hospitality and amazing cooking and baking skills.
If you have a Christiane in your life, you are more than lucky.
I am the most lucky girl because my mom is a Christiane.
Thank you Christiane you are amazing!
Christiane is the most beautiful girl you will ever know. Omg her eyes are so stunning and her smile can bright someones day. And har body, she got a big booty and atlathic body. She gets all the boys. Her personality is the best, she is so charming and cute. Every girl is jealouse of her because she is perfect.
Wow look at that booty!
Yeah it must be a Christiane!
For sure, look at that smile too, and her eyes! I just can't get enough.