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Jewish Wet Dream

What every Jew loves to see, a blonde girl and a black man couple. Not because they hate blonde goys and like to see their daughters sexually degraded or anything... they're just concerned about civil rights or true love or something like that.

Guess who's coming to dinner goyim...A dirty nigger to fuck your daughter! That's my Jewish Wet Dream revenge fantasy

by Callivan January 18, 2023

Pipe dream

When you haven’t done the do In a while, and your mind trails off to distant places about the pipe. Similar to wet dream for guys.

I’ve in a slump for 10 months, I’ve been having pipe dreams for the last week!

by Leebosss June 15, 2022

Pipe Dream

When you want to fuck someone you have next to no chance of fucking

Man 1: Imma fuck Lisa one day
Man 2: You ain't fuckin her, that's a pipe dream

by DumDumtheGenius January 25, 2023

Pipe Dreams

Nickname for Level 2 of the Backrooms.

Escaping Pipe Dreams almost seems like a pipe dream in itself.

by MaybeARealWord January 13, 2022

Pipe dream

When you put a 15000ftlbs bullet in a pipe cannon backwards with uranium in the chamber to force Cas to reverse 314 abortions you didn't consent to

I waiting for Guelph parants to realize their living in a pipe dream reality

by Cody5050 December 18, 2022

Pipe dream

When you just want that cock so bad that you’re dreaming day and night about it.

Very sus, but admittedly so. Can be used as a compliment.

In reference to Kusorare’s openly homosexual gay hip-hop lyrics. Famous for his gay version of Gummo (Cummo), Sickomode (Dickomode), and A lot (A lot of bootie).

«That boy is my pipe dream
«I want that dick in my dreams. Call it pipe dream.»
«Can’t get this pipe dream out of my head. I want it

by PipeKing April 15, 2021

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Pipe dream

Neil Josten is a pipe dream and not a hallucination

By: Andrew Minyard

"You were supposed to be a side effect of the drugs"

"I'm not a hallucination,” Neil said, nonplussed. “You are a pipe dream,” Andrew said.” “Hope was a dangerous, disquieting thing, but he thought perhaps he liked it.”

by Evlabia January 22, 2022