Source Code


Being dry is when you haven’t had a sex in a long time

“Man I’ve been dry for months.”
“Maybe we should go out and get u some.”

by Checkitoit3012 February 11, 2018


Another usage of ‘really’ or ‘actually’.
New word people use nowadays.

Vanessa: Girl, what happened when you saw Mandy in the halls?

Miranda: That bitch dry tried to fight me!

by Didionroeblock September 30, 2023


You you just Boring

Your actually so dry it’s not even funny

by Greens282 February 20, 2020


When you're flabbergasted, uncomfortable, or dumbfounded, and begin saying or doing things that exhibit these attributes.

GUY 1: *Sees a hot girl nearby and becomes nervous.*

GUY 1: "Dude, look at this funny video. Isn't it hilarious? What time is it, anyways?"

GUY 2: "Bro, you're dry as hell right now. You're just nervous cause there's a smokin' hot girl over there."

GUY 1: "Shut the hell up. I'm not dry!"

by barrybingle November 17, 2021


Boring as shit, or plain af

Your phone's dry af

by Madison Houck January 12, 2016



Happening sexually or monetary

Man, my phone is dry no dudes hitting me up!

by Badbitchunicorn December 12, 2018


Don't repeat yourself

your code it repeating itself, please DRY

by aryehbeitz December 25, 2018