Being dry is when you haven’t had a sex in a long time
“Man I’ve been dry for months.”
“Maybe we should go out and get u some.”
Another usage of ‘really’ or ‘actually’.
New word people use nowadays.
Vanessa: Girl, what happened when you saw Mandy in the halls?
Miranda: That bitch dry tried to fight me!
When you're flabbergasted, uncomfortable, or dumbfounded, and begin saying or doing things that exhibit these attributes.
GUY 1: *Sees a hot girl nearby and becomes nervous.*
GUY 1: "Dude, look at this funny video. Isn't it hilarious? What time is it, anyways?"
GUY 2: "Bro, you're dry as hell right now. You're just nervous cause there's a smokin' hot girl over there."
GUY 1: "Shut the hell up. I'm not dry!"
Happening sexually or monetary
Man, my phone is dry no dudes hitting me up!