The purple drink at Starbucks
I wanted a sweet treat so I got that purple drink from Starbucks, the chocolate egg cream
I think my girl was faking an Easter egg last night.
‘Where are my eggs’ is a phrase a man will say when he see’s that his balls are so small, and lose them. Alternatively, a supposed ‘man’ will figure out he is actually a she, or woman.
Dallon: ‘Where are my eggs?’
Bredndon: ‘I don’t know, maybe you’re a chick’
Dallon: ‘Well if I can’t find them for you to suck, I needto suck you’res’
Something German kids would do on Easter of the early 40's.
They didn't cancel the Jew egg hunts this year.
A really bad golf shot or a really pathetic golf team in Wilmington DE.
After driving several golf balls into a pond, the huge grey goose flew off and layed an egg in mid-air.
What an Egg Laying Goose! Want to take a mulligan?
a egg looking person and is very loud and has a 70% chance of being dropped on his head.
Rick:'' look at him"
bob: "Hes such a loud egg head"
When a man puts feces on the backside of his balls, or scrotum. The man leaves the feces on the back of the scrotum. Once he goes to engage in coitus he rubs the tip of his penis on the back of his scrotum, covering the tip in feces, giving it the appearance of a chocolate egg.
“I heard Brad and Angelina got a divorce because he gave her a Kinder Surprise Egg” “Dude, Chris Gave Chelsea a Kinder Surprise Egg last night!”