A war between Floptropica and Da Boyz from 1914 to 1918. The war ended with a peace treaty written by Tonyloni Lopezin after 635,873 citizens were killed, and 8,642,378,623 were maimed
My wig got snatched in the Great Badussy War
University girls who have group chats that constantly involve their personal sexual encounters, how they've cheated on their partners, and everything else penis craving sluts do!
My ex-girlfriend was a great value hoe, I saw messages on her group chat that she fucked my best friend in her roommates bed while I was in hers!
The time beginning mid-March 2020, when people stayed home in an act of global solidarity against COVID-19. An initially high-anxiety, high-stress period worldwide, people finally emerged healthier, better organized, and more confident and self-reliant than prior.
Thanks to The Great Staycation, potential homeowners now ask themselves "can I really imagine being stuck in this house for 14+ days?"
First cousin's great-granddaughter.
My great-great-cousin-niece is a good girl.
The great-grandfather of one's spouse.
My great-grandfather-in-law is a good person.
The move can be used when applying a bun as a sausage on the mans penis, the femal then proceeds to give the man a blowjob while eating the bun, going deeper and deeper until she eats all of the bun
"You hungry love?"
"Fuck yeh"
"Want to give The Great Australian Sausage a go?"