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She is a beautiful girl who is nice, sweet, and kind. She’s the most gorgeous girl in the world and gets all the boys. She also is the nicest person you will meet. You wanna stick with Karen for life. For all the boys will faint when they gat a glance at the beautiful Karen you will die at her beauty

Boy one- saw Karen walk in. Faints

by Mommy wants me money January 13, 2022


Karens are middle aged woman with short blond hair that go to resteraunts eat all their food and then go to the fround and demand a refund because they didn't like their food when their is an sign saying that there is no refunds on eaten food.

The karen was rude

by little river redskin March 26, 2022


You should never act like a Karen and you can or can not Karen’s are sometimes nice but mostly mean

Person 1:can I get that
Karen:no it’s mine
Karen:I’m calling your manager!

by Layla073 May 23, 2021


Karen is a .middle aged woman, usually white, who runs around attempting to shame people into conforming to draconian mask wearing and social distancing protocols out in place to for a virus less deadly than the common flu. Karen is supportive of the "New Normal or "Great Reset". Karen loves to make public spectacles and is a class A virtue signaler.

Karen was in the Shop Rite parking lot acting the maskhole again.

by Veritas Invicta March 18, 2021


White lady with short hair, preferably blonde, republican. Asks for a manager, has two children, usually two boys, and is divorced. Hates skaters, bikers, and disabled people

That woman is such a Karen

by www.twinks.edu November 2, 2020


someone who all ways threnten to get emploes fried

karen: may i see the manger

by meme fan March 22, 2021


A woman with preferable dirty blond hair who is most likely a basic ass white bitch who thinks that rules do the apply to them. They also don't have any human decency and is a complete and utterly asswhole.

Tiffany's mom is a karen as she says racist slurs and complains every second of every day.

by Stereotypicalbitch May 4, 2024