A joke to confuse teachers on Kahoot
Or friends.
Teacher: who’s joe
Class: joe mama
joe mama is a joke that that was theorized to be made said 3500 BCE but only became a joke in a 1975 ware a french solder said "your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries"
joe mama is so fat, when she farts it causes a earthquake
Very ugly sleeps in my bed and eats taco bell.
Joe mama ugly.
Used for a way to trick your retarded friends. The word "Joe" is in replacement for "Yo" or "your"
Person 1: hey dude, are you going to Joe's on Saturday?
Person 2: Wait, what? Who's Joe?
Person 1: Joe mama!
Person 2: Lame joke, dude
Only smart people can use this joke
And only smart people know who joe is 😏😏
If someone says something you don’t want to hear just say JOE they’ll never know what’s coming
It’s a great comeback for anything especially when used on people named l e a h🙄🙄
l e a h: hey I don’t like you
Me: joe
l e a h: wait who’s joe?
l e a h:* jumps off a building since she can’t comprehend it*
referring to somebody's mom, commonly used as a joke
ayo you know joe? joe MAMA
joe mama sucks
If you’re here today, chances are that you’ve been subjected to this brilliantly planned insult. It is derived from the popular saying Yo Mama.
It’s normally installed when attacker mentions the name Joe, and victim asks who this mysterious Joe is. The attacker will then smoothly hit with “JOE MAMA”, ripping the victim to threads.
Intellectuals will perform this simple counter attack:
When attacker mentions Joe, victim will ask if he’s related to Candice. When attacker asks who Candice is, victim(no longer victim) will shoot back “CANDICE DICK FIT IN JOE MAMAS ASS!”
This hit is therefore critical.
Scenario one:
Person 1- “Hey, do you know Joe?”
Person 2- “Joe who?”
Person 1- “JOE MAMA!! LOLLL!!L!!LL!!!”
Person 2- *proceeds to fling self off cliff*
Scenario two:
Person 1- “Hey, do you know Joe?”
Person 2- “Oh, is he related to Candice?”
Person 1- “Candice who?”
Person 1- *ultimate damage critical hit*