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Beyond the Music

The ability of when singing to go beyond the music.

"Y'all aren't getting it...go BEYOND the music!"

-Silly Iggy

by Charles Murphy October 29, 2004

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goat music

Music that is so terrible, soo simple, and sooo repetitive, a herd of goats probably played a large role in its production.

That Indian Kathakali show had some epic goat music blaring all over the place with four half-naked dudes beating a drum for two hours.

by kirupa April 19, 2015

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Music Juice

A Bedroom Dj

Music Juice Is Playing Some Shit Music

by Music Juice February 24, 2017

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Rock music

Rock music is a genre of popular music that originated in the 1950s via rock'n roll. One of the most popular genres of music alongside pop, rock music has had a large impact on American society.

Although rock music is often used by the two party elite to advance its own agenda, the principles of rock music are based in libertarianism. However, there are a number of rock musicians who use the genre to further their agenda, which hurts the music genre.

Rock music-gimme gimme

by Libertypedia May 22, 2023

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Camelbach Music

Camelbach Music. A Rap song written by Jon Muru and A Mizz (aka Aidan Monk) using a instrumental produced by M.Will the Shogun. The song came baout when the two visit Tunisia and Rode Camel back across the Sahara Desert. The Song Maybach Music by Rick Ross Inspired the song also. The song Camelbach Music is not available to purchase.
It is yet unknown if the song will feature on a mixtape by either Jon Muru or A Mizz.

Also Meaning New. Becos it is NEW!

It can be rhyming slang for Bullshit, because the song was written as proof that the rode camel back in the Sahara Desert

talking about an object? - That is So Camelbach Music!

after being offended - Don't talk to me! Your So Camelbach Music right now!

by Jon Muru May 12, 2009

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School of Music

A college of the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities which is the only university department worth devoting a human life to. Non-students suck at life (rest of CLA), or have sold childhood dreams to sleep with numbers or become numbers as they brown-nose their way up the ladder in a faceless corporation that sells shit no one even cares about (IT, CSOM - respectively). Contrasted with the Carlson School of Management (CSOM) and the Institute of Technology (IT), the SoM is populated by people who posess stellar social skills, intimidating stage rapport, as well as a tangible performance talent capable of winning the respect, admiration, and jealousy of their peers. Most SoM students could kick your ass in rocking (literally), and often jump at the chance to tell you why your music collection proves why you're pathetic.

Carlson student: "I see by your natural ability to capture the attention of a concert hall, my sniveling rat-like ways will never make people truly adore me. They'll only pretend to like me for the material posessions I come home to day after day of empty paper-pushing at the office. My life is terrible."
IT student: *no comment...too awkward to talk/too busy gaming*
non-SoM CLA student: "Would you like fries with that?"
School of Music student: "Everybody shut up...i'm shredding tasty licks and you're throwing off my vibe. Oh really, you played clarinet in high school? Good for you, Timmy. Burt Hara eats fools like you for breakfast."

by franz liszt April 29, 2007

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Musical Ignorance

When an entire band is named after one person, such as "Daughtry"

"We're not naming the band 'Miller' that's selfish! At least give us SOME credit like 'Casey and the Sunshine Band!' I didn't know you had so much Musical Ignorance!

by Drums Guns and Fun December 6, 2009

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