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An insult for a white person who attempts to act like a nigger online, for instance using the Izzle language greatly influenced by the rap community. Although usually in reality, the e-nigger is actually a 70 pound jewish pale white male with a 3 inch penis, anyone can be an e-nigger.

E-Nigger: Yo nigga that be tha junk in tha trunk fo sheazy mah neazy in the heazy who i might reckon would also me mah nizzle fo shizzle.

Person: Fool, u best be not tryin to act black you e-nigger.

by rOsWeLL February 12, 2005

129πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

nigger please

It means Your Kidding me or that is outragous between two Blacks having a discussion.

It also means quit being rude in the black community

It can also mean stop the bullshit

Nathaniel just got promoted to Captain. Reply: Nigger Please! which means that cannot be true or that is a shocker because Nathaniel is an idiot. Nigger Please! She only got promoted because she was black and they needed females to fill the quota.

Two black men are in a store and one is misbehaving or being rude. His friend says to him Nigger Please which means behave or straighten up your act.

Nigger please is not for a white person to say. It is only for a black to say to another black

A black man goes into a 7/11 with his dog and the dog starts growling for food. He tells his dog "Nigger Please" which means quit bothering me.

4 black prisoners are riding in a Jail bus all chained up to one another One Black cuts a terrible fart. Another Black prisoner on the chain says "Nigger Please"

Nigger please can also mean to quit embarassing me.

by Deputy Sheriff September 13, 2007

301πŸ‘ 146πŸ‘Ž

electric nigger

A laborer that is disrespected, treated like, and works like a slave. Associated with an appliance that one simply plugs in and it functions/works. gopher.

"You need to clean up after yourself because I am not your electric nigger!"

by CaliKyle May 23, 2007

38πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Sand Nigger

A very offensive term to label people from the Middle East. It’s often used towards people that are Muslims.

Someone in 2011: I’m glad that Osama Bin Liden got killed. He’s such a sand nigger and a terrorist.

by Excrushman November 1, 2020

71πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

nigger jacked

to be physically muscular without working out a day in your life.

my cousin is so nigger jacked.

by poppaboner February 16, 2008

37πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Nigger jazz

Adj. Term used by old white southern people to define afro-Influenced music such as rap, hip hop, R&B, and jazz.

He walked out of the store with his coat full of CD's, I'll bet he stole a bunch of nigger jazz.

by freedumb1 May 19, 2006

50πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

nigger rich

When one comes into sudden money and spends it on elaborate and expensive items.
A person who normally has $10 in his pocket, suddenly has $1,000 in his pocket.

Joey usually buys dinner at McDonalds, but he won $1,000 in the lottery so he's nigger rich and paying for dinner for all his friends at an expensive restaurant.

by Diver86 March 1, 2008

102πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž