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Spicy Nose

When you jump into water and there's a spicy, burning in your nostrils. Goes away after a period of time

*jumps into water and gets out*
"Fuck! I have spicy nose."

by pipeclogger June 23, 2020

Strut nose

A nose in which the tip is wider than the back portion of the nose, black people are known to have it.

Damn! Look at that nigga, dude got a strut nose!

by xD4k September 14, 2016


when you accidentally fart in someone's nose and everyone thinks it was on purpose

ronny: I had a chin-to-nose with my bro bron while I was totally dilled at his 19th birthday!
bob: wut

by KAMEORNEV March 16, 2023

speckeled nose spazgat

A speckeled nose spazgat is a person of African descent who is part jewish, part arabic, part canadian, part hispanic, but is a majority jewish because of the nose.

Boy: Hey did you see Mr. Wortinhimer

Boy 2: yeah he's a speckeled nose spazgat

by FiredYourMom.io April 16, 2021

Stephan nose beer

When you peel the top of the beer open past the opening hole in a way that looks like you punched your nose into the top of your beer

I see your stephaning your beers now.
Here I'll show you how to make a Stephan nose beer.

by Gaylordjohnson79 May 4, 2024

Nose cancelling ear pugs

When the boys of the house make a smell you don't want to hear about.

Nose cancelling ear pugs , I don't want that smell in my nose, I'm plugging my ear holes because I can hear that smell.

by Duertromety December 2, 2021

nose gib

A nose gib is a big wrinkly wart on the bottom of your nose. It's rank

Have you seen how big her nose gib is!

by Kieron Lee March 18, 2017