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Word Boner

When you read something and get turned on by the description of the event or person

Joe: yo, did you read chapter six last night?
Will: nah, im so fucked in class
Joe: who cares? you missed a crazy word boner
Will: OH SHIT i should go read it now!

by the beached whale May 13, 2014

Word boner

When a person gets a boner from someone’s words over text. This is the worst boner because someone got hard to words.

Female over text: I wanna touch you

Male: * starts getting word boner*

by Mid12:00Night October 8, 2020

Word boner

When a person gets a boner from someone’s words over text. This is the worst boner because someone got hard to words.

Female over text: I wanna touch you

Male: * starts getting word boner*

by Mid12:00Night October 8, 2020

Word of the day

Something your words never are

We will never get the word of the day just give up.

by Randomguywithnothingbettertodo March 11, 2021

Word of the day

The word of the day is a random generated word on urban dictionary that is put on the website.

Will 'Word of the day' be the word of the day?

by Cookiesandnuggets May 21, 2021

std words

Words like Shit, Tit and Dick. Basically, the vocabulary of the average middle schooler.

Father: Now Bobby, I don't want you using std words at school.
Bobby: F*ck you you're not my real dad.

by nonecaresgod November 4, 2015

Word Trap

A word that when used in a sentence causes the person hearing it to repeat it, asking what it is. The word in question then is combined with another word, making an inappropriate joke.

Top examples include:
Ligma (Ligma Balls)
Joe (Joe Mamma)
Sugondese (Sugondeese Nuts)
SawCon (SawCon These Nuts)
Updog (What's Updog?)

Below is an example of two of the top examples of Word Traps:
Person 1: Did you hear that Joe died from Ligma?
Person 2: Who's Joe?
Person 1: JOE MAMMA!
Person 2: What's Ligma?

by CarelessCrasher February 24, 2023