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roblox is the worst game in the world and this site is full of trolls like me

Roblox sucks

by someguythatdoesfortnite November 8, 2018


Considered a game for wussies even for kiddos
It's so bad they even have a meme for that game

Gay Boi: minecraft is boring let's play roblox

by @URHOUSE69 September 4, 2017


powering bad decisions

Oi ya fokin mate did you see fokin roblox doin the meta verse shit, rather stchewpid innit bruv

by Tactical_Dino December 24, 2021


A great game, well platform, where you can play games made by others, crushed by many types of people and things:

Bad games: Most games nowadays on roblox have no effort at all or are not good.

Metaverse: Roblox company became obsesed with all this metaverse thing, while i'm not against it, roblox doesn't needs to do this.

People who think this is a unity level game making engine: People think this is a unity level engine, and that you can get big money out of it, while making games on roblox it's like just for fun and maybe a little little bit of money

Tiktoker kids: Tiktok is just like other social media: 50% cringe 50% good, however, aparrently the tiktoks people make on roblox are very cringe, very few good roblox tiktoks

Ipad kids: Do you remember starting playing roblox around 10 years old or older? Well the infamous race of Ipad kids are taking over roblox, and making the game lose reputation.

Person 1: Wanna play roblox?
Person 2: No
Person 1: Why?
Person 2: Did you see all things that happen in there?
Person 1: Ok i will explain you what are all those people
Person 2: Oh great it's another game killed by it's own trashy comunity

by vibing pug 100% real March 9, 2022


What started out as an amazing game for all ages to enjoy has now become a hell full of online daters, scammers, toxic kids, and 7 year olds having "s3x" with 50 year olds.

Atleast some of the community still has an okay mind.

Roblox in 2019:
XxNightSlayerxX: hi wanna be frends

XxNightSlayerxX: *Sends friend request*
COOKIESWIRLC5627: *accepts*
Roblox? in 2023
XxNightSlayerxX -> serenasbf_love
COOKIESWIRLC5627 -> xaviersgf_love

serenasbf_love: hey bbg wanna go make a tiktok on mm2
xaviersgf_love: of course bb mwa

by OG_Robloxian July 8, 2023


A game that used to be fun but has sadly has won itself a spot in the "Top Ten Dating Apps for Unsuspecting Children"

Person 1: Wanna play roblox?
Person 2: You mean that dating app?
Person 1: No, the video game.
Person 2: Oh, I didn't know it was a game too. Who was first? The dating app or video game?
Person 1: ...

by OG_Robloxian July 8, 2023


An online game that is preceded by DynaBlocks, released in 2004.

Do you play Roblox?

by ttggjjffgghh March 30, 2022