The belief of estaphaun thinking he is not a faggot but he really understands that he is
Bruce thats some faggotism to me
Faggotism is the mix of faggot and autism. Mainly should be used for people who is apart of the lgbtq+ community and has autism and don't mind a lil joke
Alex: Hey!
Jay: Heyy. I went to the psychologist and I've been diagnosed with faggotism...😔
This is the act of being homosexual.
*Aaron and Chris kissing in the bushes*
John: That's some faggotism right there!
When you see hear or say something gay "faggotism
To define the word "faggotism Dude over there doing some "faggotism" things
Faggotism is the act of supporting faggots, or openly being one yourself
Hey Jerry, I support Faggotism
A person who is a Chi Chi Man or a Bulla Man
Ppl who are gay are emanating faggotism