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Gamer trick

A girl or boy gamer who uses sexual persuasion to get gifts, money, likes or something of the sort from other gamers. These people prey on the weak, depressed, self conscious and naive natured gamers.

That gamer stoner.siren nothing but a gamer trick.

by BlazeGod210 May 21, 2022

heya gamers

A term only used by extremely skilled gamers when they're about to ruthlessly slaughter a team of people.

A groups of people can also use this term.

teamerbo99: alright guys who should be target next-
DesiredNarrator, A_tntb, Killingtontheevil in unison: heya gamers.
teamerbo1 through 99: OH GOD PLEASE NO SPARE OUR LIVES

by warmachine76123 March 15, 2021

Pro Gamer Syndrome

A gamer who overestimates their gaming abilities thinking that they are a "pro gamer". Usually found in negative steam reviews in hard games such as Cuphead, Celeste etc. While these people could just turn on assist mode they instead write a negative review which helps nobody.

John definitely has pro gamer syndrome, he's such a noob but thinks he's a gaming god.

by Sporlings September 3, 2022

Gnome gamer

A so-called "gnome gamer" is a human being likely not to take part in social interaction and is much more present in their own comfortable gaming space.

A: Yo bro, I just did a sub 50 Inferno on OSRS (Oldschool Runescape).
B: Damn bro, you're a true gnome gamer!

by LightYearAhead January 18, 2023

DB gamer

he is a gamer and a youtuber and his name is daan banaan

'DB gamer has posted a new video.'

by fangirl001 September 12, 2022


Professional Gamer!!! U can’t deny it!! 😈

Me: Bro! I’m such a pro gamer!!!
Friend: You are, I wish I had them skills.

by ProCraft123 Gamer February 11, 2021

Pro Gamer

A Pro Gamer is a person that is very pro such as me, when you search pro gamer you are probably gonna see this and from what I can see you are a man of culture. Uhhhh yeahh welp I dunno what else to write now.....

You are such a pro gamer, pro gamer

by The Creator of Pro Gamer November 16, 2021