When someone hauls off and open hand slaps the shit out of you unexpectedly.
Keep my wife's name out yo fucking mouth or I'm gonna go Big Willie Style on your ass.
When you're a world famous closeted bisexual man smashing your male lover and your controlling wife is simultaneously pegging you from behind.
Duane: I pulled out the Big Willie Style on my buddy last night!
TMZ Reporter: I'm sorry to hear that bro!
Willy rot is an STD that affects 1 in every 10,000,000,000 men making it very rare. It can be contracted by not changing your underwear for 10 or more days. It starts by rotting your willy and balls and then starts to make your fingers and nose rot like hypothermia. Willy rot isn’t fatal but can be used as a way to prevent loss of virginity. Patient zero is supposedly Andrew donagher.
Person 1: did you hear Finn has willy rot?
Person 2: yeah I think so. Thankfully it’s in the early stages and can still be prevented,
The Arkansas Wet Willie is where you go down to Booneville, Arkansas and go "mudding". While you are mudding you stop mid-way and start to have sexual intercouse. When finished, you go back to "mudding".
Me and Jessica just got done doing the ol' Arkansas Wet Willie
Wagwan! Silly willy is a person who is a fuck boy and always wants to have sex
Omg he’s such a ‘silly willy bing bong’
The owner of the Chocolate Factory in Willy Winks and The Chocolate Factory
I want a golden goose, Willy Winks!!!