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A word that can really be used for anything, but in most cases is an exclamation, or used when you make a sudden movement or action. Originated from Vine

Friend: "Ay, throw me dat ball!"
*as you throw the ball*
You: "YEET!"

by England1smyc1ty August 4, 2017


A common word used by the Youtuber "SwaggerSouls" when happy/confused/joking. It can also be used when something great is achieved, such as a bodyshot kill with an AWP in the MMORPG CS:GO.

"One cross, two cross, smoke. *Bodyshots with the AWP* YEET."
"They call me Yeet-meister. Cose I fucking Yeet."

by INotoriusIsAutistic September 2, 2017


Thing that lazerbeam says

Pls dont bully me

Lazerbeam be like:YEET

by I’m a little fucker June 22, 2020


a big yeet

he screamed"yeet."

by donkeysareSUPERlit September 11, 2018


a phrase used to express something being thrown or tossed as hard as the person throwing it can.

Aye bro, I'm gonna yeet that ball into your neighbors window. Watch this!

by Rocket Pot May 21, 2020


A mythical battle cry that is used when you throw an object to greatly increase the strength of the impact made by the object.

Thor: *throws hammer* YEET
Loki: *evaporates or something*

by SteakbackOuthouse September 12, 2018


To Yeet somthing is to throw it with force and say the word Yeet! at the same time you say

I YEETED! my boi across the room

by Yourmomthicc November 13, 2019