Most of the time sweet and nice. When your dating him, he is the nicest boy EVER. If u break up with him he will hate you.
Tyler was super nice when we were dating, but i broke up with him and he is super rude.
Tyler is the sweetest guy I have ever met. Through all your insecurities he will always make you feel beautiful and special. He is fun, loving, and has a passion for dogs. Tyler enjoys talking long walks in the woods and reading cute bedtime stories to his girlfriend. Along with everything he has to offer, he can also be very stubborn and weird at times but that’s what makes Tyler so great.
I love you Tyler!!
Happy one month Tyler!
A tall, skinny, brown headed guy with a great personality and lobes to get to know the person he loves and likes to spend time with his family and friends.
Me: see that guy over there
Friend: yea he is actually cute
Me: ikr he is such a Tyler