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Ghost Bonkadonder

A game where one person (ghost) stands with a blanket over their head while other players attempt to knock them down by hitting them with pillows. The winner is the person to knocks the ghost down and they subsequently become the ghost.

We were playing ghost bonkadonder.

by BoomFracAlaka February 24, 2022

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Ghost Splat

You have anal with a girl and, after cumming in her ass, hold a piece of paper behind her butthole. When she farts out the cum, it becomes art and can be sold for millions

"Dude check out this sweet ghost splat I just bought!"
"Is that cum?"
"Right? This is art man!"

by broof September 6, 2014

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kleenex ghost

The result of jizzing into a klenex.

Kevin left a nasty kleenex ghost on his bed.

by Kswag24 December 28, 2017

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Ghost Nap

When you sit in the back of class and sleep with a hoodie on, obscuring your identity from attentive teachers and peers

Mary: Who's that sleeping back there?
Bill: That's just Richard taking a ghost nap after pulling an all-nighter

by NightdesertHawkManguy October 2, 2014

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ghost turkey

When it's Thanksgiving night, and the room is dark, and a gentleman offers a woman a bite of turkey leg, but when she opens her mouth he instead presents his genitals.

Happy Black Friday! By the way, last night, I gave the lady a ghost turkey.

by Francis L August 13, 2017

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Ghost foot

When you are doing gymnastics and over splits and your foot gets circulation cut off and it gets really pale and veiny

At gym yesterday we were doing flexibility and I got ghost foot

by Flouncy bouncy III February 27, 2019

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Ghost in town

A girl that will make you fall in love with them and then will throw you away as soon as it’s not fun any more

Watch out there’s a ghost in town

by Killer frog May 10, 2018

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