Source Code

this animates my moon

from sleepy to O.O


by greenseqquoiaocean December 21, 2020

Literally Animal Farm

When someone who claims to support a group or cause betrays it after gaining a position of power.

Cobalt: You said you supported freedom of speech before becoming a moderator, right?
Sapphire: I did.
Cobalt: So why did you ban a guy for talking about government collision?
Sapphire: Because no one should believe those lies.
Cobalt: *sigh* Literally Animal Farm.

by Blues and Dumbness September 27, 2024

Tame the animal

V.) When four people grab each limb of person and pull so they cannot escape, leaving the victim helpless. Some versions of this include locking the victim in a cage after taming them. The victim is called an animal because of how much they squirm when being tamed.

“Hey guys, once Parker is out of the bathroom, we should all Tame the animal then lock him in the sauna.”

by Zesty Uncle January 3, 2024

Idle animation

The occasionally weird movements a video game character does when they're not doing anything.

I never pay attention to my character's idle animation, but when I do, I always notice it's kinda weird.

by Tooftreef April 14, 2024

Anime Necktie

A Billy Joel fan, usually used in a positive context.

Did you see that Anime Necktie rocking out to Uptown Girl?

by WillyMartin June 24, 2024

Anime Slam

Weebs that like heavy metal

Person1: Do you like Anime Slam.
Person2: Wtf is that it's just garbage noise.
Person3: YEAH! Dehumanizing Itatrain Worship is such a great band UwU

by Mint2y January 6, 2023

making balloon animals

When two men cross penis's and try to bend and twist them around one another.

I walked in on Kevin and Dave making balloon animals

by Dudeman2007 September 27, 2021