A relationship that lasts as long as it takes for a Taco Bell meal to pass through your intestines.
I just had a Taco Bell crush on Sean. Today I’m in the mood for Freddy’s.
Anna-Belle is probably the best version to live in earth. They aren’t boy or girl or they they are simply GOD they will forever look after you and are to fabulous for words.
Never disobey an Anna-Belle as they are fierce and have the power to destroy puny man kind. They are also the most beautiful and sexy things to ever live.
Did you see that girl?
Yeah what was her name?
It was Anna-Belle
Wow she must be a god she’s soooo amazing
A girl that’s name is Anna-Belle and is very good at drawing and sometimes gets stressed by random things for example they have a sister that cut her dolls hair and a few years later cut it again but way too short and they get really stressed I know that’s really specific but still
A female asking playfully for someone to fondle her breasts around Christmas time.
"Why don't you come jingle my bells and then you can Kringle my sleigh."
ava bell is the best friend anyone could ask for. she will always be there for you and will give you good advice when she actually tries. she is gorgeous, tall, and has the most pretty eyes. I would love to be ava bell.
wow, look at ava bell over there, she’s so pretty
When while taking a crap the turd breaks free and taps your ball bag on the way down.
While taking a huge crap, the turd gave me a bell kiss.