The Lego movie eats Taco Bell was a weird ass dream a user on Reddit (who goes by u/lilpikaluver) had one time. It’s basically about the characters in the Lego movie eating Taco Bell and shitting themselves.
“I regret reading dipper goes to Taco Bell!” “That reminds me, have you read the Lego movie eats Taco Bell?”
The Lego movie eats Taco Bell was a weird ass dream a user on Reddit (who goes by u/lilpikaluver) had one time, basically, it’s about the characters in the Lego movie eating Taco Bell and shitting themselves
“Dipper goes to Taco Bell was a nightmare!” “That reminds me, have you read the Lego movie eats Taco Bell?”
Maribelle is a sensitive person even though they can’t feel it. They like helping others but they let themselves down. They don’t like themselves as they do to other people. Click -> Maribelle to see more info
Mari-Belle is acting weird, y’know?
Yeah, I think so to.
'elle bells' is the nickname for well behaved, polite children who have depression.
'elles bells' stop crying and come help me bake a cake
A bright and beautiful Italian-Scottish American Daughter of Italian American musician Michael Anthony Perrone and devoted Scottish American Mother and wife Jessica Lanita Lauder Bell, Raised by her mother and her mothers husband Bryan Bell.
Nova Bell is one tough girl.
Slapping someone’s balls as hard as you can
John: dude my new gf is really into ringing the bell.
Jack: that sucks for you, your balls are gonna be so sore from being hit that much
Selling A liquid for liquid cooling pc
friends: my pc is very cooled becausse of belle delephine liquid cooling
me: simp