h is a meme. came from a character from a cartoon that i dont know. mostly used at the sub reddit r/TheLetterH
Why use boring Latin alphabet to write letter H, when you can flip it sideways to form fence like structure as ancient Egyptians did?
Huge hits have historically harbored hidden hazards, hysterical hordes hardly heeding how habitually heaping honors hyping his Holiness, Harry Harangue-Hatcher, hollering, "Hip hip, hooray! Hail Hypertext Highway's happening hack!" heavily heightens his hedonism, hubris, head hugeness -- harsh harbingers hurling humanity's hardiest hero hellward, hereafter helming his hapless human husk haunting Hades's hallmark hot haze, heckling Halloween's hideous headless horseman (hefting his hollow head), harassing Hitler's hired Holocaust henchmen, hassling ham-handed helicopter handlers -- hopefully, hypothetically, having hardcore horizontal hugs holding his horny, high-heeled hourglass honey (he handily helped hang her hemp Hawaiian hammock), heartland's "happy" housewife humbling hotel heiress Hilton, heinously having hated her husband's horsey hee-haw "hello," his hundred horrible hay howls hammering her homicidal; however, have heart, huddled hint hobbyists, hearkening how hallowed hieroglyphs hurtling hence harmonize hypnotically, heaven's harps highlighting how hyperactive hippocampus hockey heaves hilarious harvested hash -- healthy herbs healing hungry humor hankerings.