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USAF Cadet Drill Team

The USAF Cadet Drill Team is the drill team of Air Force Cadets - one of the best drill teams in the world.

I'm going to try out for the USAF Cadet Drill Team, but Matt says he's going to make me wear a vibrating butt-plug to see if I can keep my focus!

by eda-skip October 21, 2021

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To put the team on your back

Agreeing to go with your bro on a double date in order to boost his game, knowing full well that your date will be a loud, ugly, obnoxious whore.

Josh: "Dude will you come on this double date with me? I need you to put the team on your back."
Ben: "Again?"
Josh: "Yep... your dog-face date has a ravenous pussy known to growl in public. But I need you man."
Ben: "Alright..."

by Bear Bandit November 22, 2011

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Business Release Transition Team

A group or team of business based resources who exist without a tangible defined purpose but who carve out a requirement for themselves through
1. the insistence that communications go unneccessarily via them at all times
2. the use of constant but manual email forwarding without alteration, thought or value add

person1: do you have a business release transition team?
person2: no, what do they do?
person1: well...erm....you see....they're worse than useless
person2: oh

by worsethanuseless August 10, 2009

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Forward AWOL Recovery Team

The Forward AWOL Recovery Team, or FART is small body of soldiers, usually including the AWOL soldier's squad leader and several members of the AWOL soldier's own platoon that is informally composed by the Platoon Sergeant and/or Platoon Leader for "executing AWOL recovery procedures." Intelligence as to the nearby whereabouts of the AWOL soldier must be considered reliable and the FART must be fielded and report back to duty before the team members are noticed missing by the Company Commander (CC), unless the CC is complicit and can provide a plausible cover story to the Battalion Commander (BC) to buy time for the FART's operations.

Internal military memos issued by National Guard two star generals and above have made clear that commanders at all levels are to be held accountable for controlling manageable losses, which certainly suggests to lower level commanders a real need for the Forward AWOL Recovery Team (FART). According to these memos, "commanders must retain at least 85 percent of soldiers who are scheduled to end their active duty and 90 percent of soldiers scheduled to ship for Initial Entry Training, and execute the AWOL recovery procedures for every AWOL soldier." It is largely for this reason that the practice by lower level commanders of aggressively and secretly issuing FART's is likely to continue.

by Russell Clark January 13, 2007

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Team Possum Productions

The greatest film production company ever; a company that produces great films.

Team Possum Productions make good films.

by El December 17, 2003

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Irish Tag Team

An Irish Tag Team is when you have a threesome with your best friend and a motherly figure.
This is open to members of both sexes, and the best friend can be of both sexes as well. The motherly figure does not have to be related, just a motherly figure.

an Irish Tag Team has parts kinda similar to some plot points from

Y tu mamΓ‘ tambiΓ©n

by Thirtyfivestudio July 16, 2009

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Manipal Information Security Team

A club with a very good board and an even better ManComm and the best Working Comm.

That club is a Manipal Information Security Team.

by UTUBCWH November 30, 2021