Rainbow dash is a pony she is friends with pinkie pie and her adopted sister Scootaloo
rainbow dash's cutie is a cloud with rainbow lightning bolt on it
Someone who loves to do gay ships with anime, cartoon, or tv characters, or even real people.
When Prince Little Money had Rainbow Dash stand on an ice cream cone and he licked her period blood off the back of her legs because he did not want macaroni and cheese and wanted some ice cream instead.
L Money man, he ate the real strawberry Rainbow Dashcream!
The idea that someone should always be happy and carefree
He wanted her to always be sunshine and rainbows, even though in reality that does not exist for anyone.
A triple infinity. Mobius is a form of infinity that can be created with any hi fashion belt. Rainbows are infinite in their possible combinations of colors. Infinity itself takes many many forms in the subject of Mathematics and is often mistaken as an irrational quantity.
If used properly, the Mobius Rainbow Infinity can form an analogy for a 4-D infinity; which is larger than a purely geometric 3-D infinity.
Dang that Mobius Rainbow Infinity is O.P.
Slang for hallucogens used in multiple Ethiopian satanist cults. Also used to ‘Connect’ with the gods
Woah man, did you try the rainbow goblin? I think I ascended and met outback lord Cthulu
To throw up and poop at the same time
Nikki was sitting on the toilet all night with the trash can on her lap...she had it coming out of both ends she had that rainbow effect