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Donkey from Shrek

the most un-secy thing Shrek will ever see, seeing him makes lash out in a violent rage.

DOANKEY (Donkey from Shrek) UR OOGLAY

by eggftwinmybutthole lolkm October 4, 2018

Donkey from Shrek

Best donkey Ever

Donkey From Shrek Is The God Shreks Pet

by Shrek_Is_God February 7, 2020

Reverse Swamp Donkey

To "Reverse Swamp Donkey" is very similar to "Swamp Donkey," the only real difference is the gender roles. In a Reverse Swamp Donkey, a horny male gets a girl plastered, while the male stays sober, but pretends to be drunk. Once the girl is nearing blackout, the male takes her upstairs and has shameful sex with her.

"Dude, did you guys hear about Stuart? I guess he swamp donkeyed some girl last night."

"Bro, only chicks can swamp donkey."
"Then Stuart reverse swamp donkeyed her! That slimey sack of shit!"

by Sith Lords November 17, 2014

Double Dutch donkey

A double Dutch donkey is a person who works non-stop, relentlessly working, without rest, aka โ€œdouble Dutchโ€ jump rope, all hooves all the time!

โ€œI have been workin like a double dutch donkey. Cause if my husband gets fired , we better have a cushionโ€

by Lady sekhmet February 20, 2018

Donkey Punch

Fisting yourself in the ass while masturbating

<So what did you do last night?>
<Got bored and donkey punched myself while watching porn>
<Why the fuck would you ever do that?!>

by Noameo January 17, 2015

7๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sideline sugar donkey

1. A girl that is boot or fat that you stay away from when you try to fuck her hot freind.

2.The ugly freind in a group of girls that you will probably end up fucking when you are drunk as a result of all the others turning you down.

1. That chick Ashly with the huge tits came by my house the other day but she brought a sidline suger donkey with her.

2. Aw man im never dinking again!I was so shit faced that after the third girl turned me down i just got my dick sucked by that sideline sugar donkey!!

by Dirty-C February 13, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Flaming hot donkey

When u put a condom on your penis then pour hot sauce on it and shove it up her ass

I burned her with my flaming hot donkey last night it was wild

by A1.sauce May 11, 2021

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž