Acting like a Christian just to hide the fact that he is gay or asexual. Has a secret fantasy for a girl with a strap-on doing anal to him.
He is definitely pulling a sexy samuel, bro.
Girl, throw that bathroom scale away!!! You just can't measure it... You're HELLA SEXY..
Authentically Confident in the skin she's in, Hella Sexy
Amia amia is the definition of sexy as fuck
Damn why you gotta be sexy as fuck
SEXY LITTLE MUFFIN / adjective / sek-see lit-ell muff-in
1. A woman that is extremely sexually appealing, exciting or attractive, small in size with an amazing body.
2. A small, attractive woman with a yummy body who is extremely sexy and skilled in giving erotic pleasure.
3. A woman of extreme sexual beauty that is sensual and most erotic, having a tight sexy body and a beautiful appearance.
She is a Sexy Little Muffin / You are a Sexy Little Muffin
The first time I saw her I thought "now there's a Sexy Little Muffin"
You are a beautiful Sexy Little Muffin
a sexy man named emil who has massive muscles and a huge dick. also has a fat ass and is just so so sooooo sexy!! literally has a third leg, its so big its scary.
ive gyat to see sexy emil, i want his 15 inches