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Urban Dick

A person who makes up words so they can post meme articles on urbandictionary.com

Don't be such an urban dick, you waffle iron.

by Lex the Lawyer December 6, 2020

Urban dick

Someone who feels the need to make every urban dictionary definition sexual.

Normal person defining the word "Dog"- A dog is a cute and fluffy domesticated animal exhibiting some adorable characteristics such as licking or cuddling you as a way of manifesting affection.

An Urban Dick defining the word "Dog"- When a guy sucks another guy's dick and eats it for his fucking breakfast.

by Eddie the Head June 2, 2022

Urban dick

Someone who uses the urban dictionary to an inappropriate extreme

They’re such an urban dick, always using words that’s don’t exist

by MsMaryMack December 20, 2021

Urban Dick

A know it all dick.

John Doe is such an Urban Dick. He trolls people online and offline spewing fictional lingo.

by Breezylovesno1 May 11, 2018

Urban dick

When your too lazy to type urban dictionary but you get urban dick instead now you have sophisticated pp's in your areas.

I tried searching urban dic but I got urban dick instead!

by Iwillkillmyselfwithpeanuts September 10, 2020

Urban dick

When your to lazy to type urban dictionary but you get urban dick instead now you have sophisticated pp's in your areas

I tried searching urban dic but I got urban dick instead

by Iwillkillmyselfwithpeanuts September 10, 2020


Are you lesbian? 😅😅😅

URBAN DICK a question for yah

by 😊r bun DICK tio nery😊 August 9, 2020